OSU Agriculture Dean’s Dialogue event commemorates 30th anniversary of OKC bombing
Tue, Feb 04, 2025
Oklahoma State University Agriculture held a special edition of its Dean’s Dialogue series on Jan. 27 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing in Oklahoma City. OSU Agriculture partnered with the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum to bring the Journey of Hope program to campus with special guest Blayne Arthur, Oklahoma secretary of agriculture. Arthur’s mom, Margaret “Peggy” Clark, was killed in the bombing on April 19, 1995.
Journey of HopeOSU AgricultureOSU Ag ResearchOKC bombingOklahoma City National Memorial & MuseumDean's DialogueAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesAlfred P. Murrah Federal BuildingFerguson College of AgricultureOSU ExtensionOklahoma Secretary of AgricultureBlayne Arthur