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News Archive College of Arts and Sciences

History professor explores race and music in upcoming book

Tue, Feb 24, 2015

While discussions of race relations in the United States typically focus on differing experiences among the races, Oklahoma State University assistant professor of history Charles...

College of Arts and Sciences
OSU artist named DaVinci Fellow

Fri, Feb 20, 2015

Oklahoma State University assistant professor of painting and drawing Liz Roth has been named a Fellow of the DaVinci Institute for 2015.

College of Arts and SciencesArts and Humanities
Science Education Faculty Toni Ivey Working With Geology Team on NSF Funded Project

Mon, Oct 13, 2014

Science education assistant professor Toni Ivey is working with geology faculty Daniel Lao-Davila (Principal Investigator), Estella Atekwana and Mohamed Abdelsalam on a project that recently received $244,276 in funding from the National Science Foundation to investigate how continents break apart.

STEMGeologyGrantsResearchCollege of Arts and SciencesEducationCollege of Education and Human Sciences
OSU student awarded digitization grant for mound-builder collection

Wed, Oct 08, 2014

Oklahoma State University doctoral candidate Eric Singleton was awarded a $150,000 grant for a project that’s expected to provide greater access into the culture of the Native...

College of Arts and SciencesStudent Success
CAS students honored as Seniors of Significance

Wed, Nov 22, 2006

Thirty-nine Oklahoma State University seniors were selected as Seniors of Significance for the class of 2006-07. A public reception honoring the Seniors of Significance was held on Nov. 16 in the Click Family Alumni Hall at the ConocoPhillips OSU Alumni Association.

College of Arts and SciencesSeniors of SignificanceOSU Alumni Association